happy life i was not happy with my life social emotional learning the good life the secret of happiness Mar 13, 2024
 social emotional learning, I was not happy with my life, the good life, happy life, the secret of happiness

by Sarah Hiner

When I was 23 years old, I was in excruciating pain with yellow eyes thanks to a seven day gall bladder attack.  I was not happy with my life, living in constant fear of the next painful attack. So, I followed my doctor’s advice and had my gallbladder surgically removed. No more gall bladder…no more gall bladder pain. Problem solved. Now my life would once again be happy.

Wow, have I changed. After more than 30 years of reporting on health care and wellness, I no longer view our bodies as pieces of flesh dangling off a skeletal frame. Rather, the body is an incredible system of engineering with a combination of highly specialized and multifunctional parts and assorted backup systems which work together to help you function physically, mentally… and emotionally.


Even though my attacks were “solved,” having my gall bladder removed left me reliant on my liver and digestive system to be constantly “on call” when it comes to digestion because they lack the fat-digesting support of my gall bladder.


Like occurred with my gall bladder, our bodies often have the miraculous ability to adjust. But just because we can adjust doesn’t mean that we should remove parts without understanding the full impact. Nor should we should force our bodies to do unnatural things because it’s more convenient that way.


C-sections can be beneficial for mothers and babies in distress, yet thousands of seemingly normal pregnancies end in C-sections each year, not because of emergencies during delivery, but in order to improve convenience for the new parents and/or the doctor. Expectant mothers may want to rethink that choice. Scientists now are learning that babies don’t simply travel through goo during a vaginal birth. They receive important micro flora (aka, “good bacteria”) from the mother. A C-section bypasses that part of the birth process, and that means the immune systems of C-section babies do not get the same kick-start as children who are born vaginally. Studies have found more overall health problems in C-section babies at age two than in babies who were delivered vaginally, as well as increased incidences of obesity, asthma and diabetes later in life. Will the mother and baby be fine after a C-section? Yes—but the immune system may be lacking and there may be an impact on the overall health of children born by C-section.


Another example: Back surgeries. While surgery may provide faster results for herniated discs, more conservative alternatives provide comparable mid- and -long-term results without the high risk and high cost of surgery. Our bodies know how to heal when we trust them to do it, and we help them along in constructive ways.


Normal symptoms of illness such as fever, indigestion and/or assorted sources of pain do not mean that our body is broken and that those symptoms should be muted with painkillers and acid suppressants. This is our body doing its job. A fever helps to kill germs that can’t exist in an excessively hot environment. Muscle or joint pain and tension headaches are signals that something in our bodies is in distress. Shutting off the pain signal with medication does not solve the distress. It merely masks it and creates risk for further injury. Same thing with indigestion—as I’ve said and written many times, suppressing stomach acid is one of the worst things we can do to our bodies and can result in grave ramifications.


Similarly, researchers have known about fascia—the “film” that surrounds all of our muscles and seems to hold our bodies together—since the first dissection occurred. Anyone who has ever cleaned a chicken or a piece of steak knows about fascia. But it is only in the last three years that researchers have discovered that fascia isn’t just a body stocking. It actually contains an inner layer, called the interstitium, that serves as a communication channel for our immune system, allowing lymphatic fluid to drain and white blood cells to get where they are needed to fight disease. This is an entirely new layer in our immune system that doctors had no idea existed until recently. Isn’t that amazing?


With everything we know, we only just discovered this incredibly sophisticated part of our immune system. The implications are huge. Besides opening a whole new field of study, this is a dramatic demonstration of how much we don’t know and that scientific “facts” are fleeting. And let me pose this—if the interstitium is a highly sophisticated communication channel that runs through every organ and muscle in our body, what are the implications of communication blockages when a surgery cuts through the fascia? And what if there is scar tissue that forms and stays?


And then there are emotional challenges such as anxiety and depression.  There are many reports regarding the “epidemic” of emotional distress with debates abounding about the source of those increases.  Some say it was  caused by the COVID lock-downs, others blame, social media and, according to Abigail Shrier, author of the new book Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up core to the problem may be the latest trends in psychotherapy and education (social emotional learning)  which focus individuals on their problems or potential problems rather than helping them move past assorted challenges.  Besides the fact that these supposed experts are potentially focusing patients in a direction that harms not heals, they are not understanding – or not acknowledging – that emotions are actually a series of biochemical reactions that are deeply integrated with our bodies. 


Emotions are not some amorphous concept that occurs separate from our bodies.  Emotions are part of a constant feedback system between our thoughts and our autonomic nervous system. Something happens, and our bodies respond, sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously, depending on the situation. Meanwhile, doctors prescribe anti-depressants to treat depression, but don’t acknowledge that serotonin, the mood-stabilizing hormone that has been targeted by medical experts as being lacking in those with depression, is primarily produced in our digestive tract… the same digestive tract that is often not working properly in those with emotional issues.  So is depression really an emotional problem? Or is it perhaps a digestion problem?  Could the secret to happiness be in what you eat rather than in a pill from the pharmacy or waiting for your life circumstances to change?



Newton’s third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. That includes the forced restructuring of our body’s systems, be it through surgery or activity-suppressing drugs.  Those “side effects” they talk about for every drug is not a “side effect”.. it is an effect of the drug, but simply one that isn’t directed at what the drug is marketed to address. 


When the body is broken due to trauma or injury, fixing it works miracles. But when it comes to healing and creating health, we need to understand that, given the right fuel and care, our bodies have the capacity to hum along  and enjoy a life of happiness for many, many years.   

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